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Organizing the parts of your e-book

The order for front matter and back matter for print has been covered earlier. I’ve modified the order slightly for e-books to make them more reader-friendly. Note that I build the EPUBs myself. Chapters and sections listed below are in separate files. Front matter Cover Title page (may be combined with copyright page OR may . . .

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Organizing your book’s back matter

As I mentioned earlier, there’s a standard order for book parts, and people are used to finding things in that order. Most books, especially fiction, aren’t going to have multiple back matter sections. Typically for fiction there will be only an acknowledgments section followed by an “about the author” section. Back matter Acknowledgments (if not . . .

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Organizing your book’s front matter

There’s a standard way in the U.S. to organize front matter in printed books, and readers are accustomed to this organization. Don’t irritate your readers! It’s best to stick with this order, which is pretty flexible, unless you have a compelling reason not to. Front matter Half title (the very first page, which contains only . . .

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