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Archive for the handouts tag

How to build an e-book (handout)

At the latest meeting of Northern California Publishers & Authors (NCPA), the topic was e-books. Stephanie Chandler discussed the current e-book market and marketing for authors. (An interesting factoid: PDF e-books are still selling strongly!) I discussed my experience building e-books and gave out a handout explaining the steps for building an e-book based on . . .

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Editing: The Invisible Art talk and handouts

(Presented at the 2009 NCPA Conference) Editing: The Invisible Art that Takes Your Book from “Self-Published” to “Professionally Published” Good afternoon! My name is Sandra Williams, and I’ve provided writing, editing, and design services since 1996. Before that I ran a marketing and publicity office, and before that I edited a weekly newspaper. My first . . .

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Book cover handouts from the NCPA meeting

During the November 12, 2005, meeting of Northern California Publishers & Authors we discussed the importance of book covers and critiqued covers that attendees brought for review. At the meeting I talked about my experience with building covers and distributed handouts. The color shift when I converted this image from RGB to CMYK got lost . . .

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