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Archive for the epub tag

E-book cover size

There are two covers for ebooks, the embedded cover and the marketing cover. The different vendors (Amazon, etc.) give the requirements for marketing covers on their websites. prednisone For embedded covers, consider the screen resolution in pixels, using the dimensions of your target devices. ambien You may see DPI (dots per inch) mentioned in reference . . .

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Creating EPUBs with InDesign

People complain that InDesign won’t export decent EPUBs. I have to disagree. You can get pretty decent results from InDesign if you optimize the file for EPUB before exporting. Here are the steps that I follow for InDesign CS6. Make sure styles are applied to anything that needs to be different from the base font . . .

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How to build an e-book (handout)

At the latest meeting of Northern California Publishers & Authors (NCPA), the topic was e-books. Stephanie Chandler discussed the current e-book market and marketing for authors. (An interesting factoid: PDF e-books are still selling strongly!) I discussed my experience building e-books and gave out a handout explaining the steps for building an e-book based on . . .

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