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Organizing your book’s front matter

There’s a standard way in the U.S. to organize front matter in printed books, and readers are accustomed to this organization. Don’t irritate your readers! It’s best to stick with this order, which is pretty flexible, unless you have a compelling reason not to. Front matter Half title (the very first page, which contains only . . .

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E-book cover size

There are two covers for ebooks, the embedded cover and the marketing cover. The different vendors (Amazon, etc.) give the requirements for marketing covers on their websites. prednisone For embedded covers, consider the screen resolution in pixels, using the dimensions of your target devices. ambien You may see DPI (dots per inch) mentioned in reference . . .

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Choosing a book size

What trim size should I select for my book? This question comes up all the time. How many words does your manuscript have? Let’s assume for planning purposes that the manuscript is regular text only (no bullet points, footnotes, etc.) and each book page will have 300 words. (This number only a rough estimate! The . . .

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