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Archive for the book covers tag

Ordering ARCs

An ARC (advance reading copy*) is a prepublication copy of your book that is distributed to reviewers and bookstores to stir up interest in your book. If reviewers provide feedback in time, excerpts of their reviews can be used on the cover and in marketing materials. Bookstores may place orders for your books based on . . .

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Matte versus glossy covers

Not so long ago people in bookstores would reject a trade-published book for being self-published simply because of the glossy lamination on the cover. Now both Lighting Source and CreateSpace offer matte lamination, so the people who dislike self-published books will have to find other criteria. getting prednisone Whether you select matte or glossy lamination . . .

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E-book cover size

There are two covers for ebooks, the embedded cover and the marketing cover. The different vendors (Amazon, etc.) give the requirements for marketing covers on their websites. prednisone For embedded covers, consider the screen resolution in pixels, using the dimensions of your target devices. ambien You may see DPI (dots per inch) mentioned in reference . . .

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