If you’ve visited this site in the last couple of years, you might not notice any changes except a different graphic here and there. But the entire site has been completely remodeled: new walls, new roof, new floor. Only the wallpaper remains the same.
Previously, to make sure everyone who visited my site saw it the way I wanted them to — green background, main text in a center column, narrow columns on either side containing a menu and quote — I used a table to organize where the text and graphics went. The number of people still using older browsers with inconsistent support for Cascading Styles Sheets (CSS) was high enough that I felt obligated to design the site with their needs in mind.
But in the last couple of years browser support for CSS has improved considerably and, according to my site logs, my visitors are using the latest browsers. Voilà!
Before and after
- Home page December 2005, table-based layout
- Home page March 2006, CSS implemented
- Home page March 2006, CSS not supported