About Sandra K. Williams
Sandra K. Williams loves books, both printed and digital. Since 1996 she has worked with authors and independent publishers, editing and designing books for print. Since 1999 she has built easy-to-use, accessible websites, and she uses her HTML and CSS skills to design reader-friendly e-books.
Posted on October 8, 2013, by Sandra K. Williams
Sometimes you need a book cover image for a blog post or some other reason. Here’s how you can get the image from Amazon without the Look Inside banner: On the Amazon book page, right-click the book cover image. Select “View image” from the pop-up menu. In the address bar (aka URL bar or location . . .
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Posted on February 18, 2013, by Sandra K. Williams
Many of my clients sell books at book shows, state fairs, seminars, and other events where they are face-to-face with readers. Selling in person works great when you have a physical book and the reader likes physical books. Some readers, however, prefer e-books. Telling someone your book is available at all the major e-book retailers . . .
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Posted on June 18, 2012, by Sandra K. Williams
Back when Northern California Publishers & Authors (NCPA) was still Sacramento Publishers Association (SPA), I was the newsletter editor for a year or so. There have been so many changes in publishing, the passing time feels like an eon rather than a decade. One of the featured articles back then was the switch to sending . . .
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