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WordPress 2.5 and Event Calendar

NOTE: This version of the patch doesn’t include the big calendar fix, and it hasn’t been tested with WordPress 2.6.

The current version of the Event Calendar plug-in (3.1.1rc3) doesn’t work with WordPress 2.5. A solution was posted to the Event Calendar e-mail list.

I’ve uploaded my patched files here:

To use the patch, first download and unzip the Event Calendar 3.1.1rc3 plug-in.

Then download the file from my site. Copy the unzipped files into the Event Calendar plug-in folder. DON’T FORGET TO SCAN FOR VIRUSES BEFORE UNZIPPING.

There should be two replacement files: eventcalendar3.php and ec3.js. Backup files for both (eventcalendar-BU.php and ec3-BU.js) are included, just in case the patches don’t work for you. The Past Events plug-in (not a patch but very useful) contributed by one of the list members is also included.

Added: Sergio asked, “Is there any solution to the 404 error with the tags in the WP 2.5 when you use the ‘Keep Events Separate’ option?”

This patch should fix that problem. I use “Keep Events Separate” on my test blog. There has to be an event for the month that’s clicked, however. I haven’t tried this patch on WordPress 2.5.1 yet.

About Sandra K. Williams

Sandra K. Williams loves books, both printed and digital. Since 1996 she has worked with authors and independent publishers, editing and designing books for print. Since 1999 she has built easy-to-use, accessible websites, and she uses her HTML and CSS skills to design reader-friendly e-books.

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