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Where to find an editor, copyeditor, or proofreader

I provide editing services, so you’ve found one editor* already! However, I may be already booked or lack experience in your genre or for some reason give you the heebie-jeebies.
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Please don’t feel obligated to hire the first editor you contact. Good editing is an investment. It’s much better to take a little time nailing down what services you want or need and what your budget can afford, and then finding the right person to provide those services.
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If you get a quote that’s outside your budget, ask the editor if there are ways to reduce the fee. Sometimes an editor will do only one pass over a manuscript instead of two or more, or will have other suggestions depending on the specific manuscript.
Here are some U.S.-centric resources:

U.K. editors can be found here:

Canadian editors (French and English):

Australian editors:

*I’m using editor here to refer to anyone who offers editorial services: developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading.

About Sandra K. Williams

Sandra K. Williams loves books, both printed and digital. Since 1996 she has worked with authors and independent publishers, editing and designing books for print. Since 1999 she has built easy-to-use, accessible websites, and she uses her HTML and CSS skills to design reader-friendly e-books.

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